Thursday, July 14, 2011


I guess I should be flattered, or maybe a bit put back.  When someone takes your work and passes it off as theirs how is one to respond?  Well, I just started blogging in January, and i have noticed that various other blogs will take my stories and post them in other places.  Now it is okay if you give credit to that blogger, but when you just take and use as your own work, and not even give credit to the owner.

CASE IN POINT::: MILDRED Blogs.  This blogger once used a story of mine and she did give credit where credit was due.  But currently, MILDREDBLOGS.BLOGSPOT.COM is simply 'copy & pasting' my posts and using it as her own.  Mildred, I appreciate the love, but if you wish to use my posts and pictures and words, and etc, the courteous thing to do is GIVE CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE!

So Mildred, please give it rest if you are not going to give credit!

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