Thursday, April 21, 2011

'Madea' says "Go to Hell" Spike Lee!

Tyler Perry is gearing up for what is expected to be a BIG weekend at the box office for his film, "Madea's Big Happy Family".  But as usual, Perry is not without critics.  Possibly one of his biggest critics, Spike Lee has  been vocal about it disdain for the type of programs and movies that Perry produces and directs.

"Each artist should be allowed to pursue their artistic endeavors, but I still think there is a lot of stuff out today that is coonery and buffoonery," he said in '09. "I know it's making a lot of money and breaking records, but we can do better. ... I am a huge basketball fan, and when I watch the games on TNT, I see these two ads for these two shows (Tyler Perry's 'Meet the Browns' and 'House of Payne'), and I am scratching my head. We got a black president, and we going back to Mantan Moreland and Sleep 'n' Eat?"

Tyler Perry has in the past just rose above his haters and continued to 'do his thing.'  Perry's films are consistent high performers at the box office; all independently financed, they've taken in over $520 million in ticket receipts over the past six years. He recently extended his deal with distributor Lionsgate, with whom he has worked since 2005.

Despite his success, Perry still has his critics and his 'beef' with his biggest critic, Lee has come to a boil!

Perry, in both a message on his website and a press conference to promote "Madea's Big Happy Family," hit out against Lee, who in 2009 said, among other things, that Perry's films "harken back to 'Amos n' Andy'."  Perry's website message was vague. He defended his work as both spiritually uplifting and fun. But his words for Lee were anything but.

"I'm so sick of hearing about damn Spike Lee," Perry said during the press conference (via Box Office Magazine). "Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that. I am sick of him talking about me, I am sick of him saying, 'this is a coon, this is a buffoon.' I am sick of him talking about black people going to see movies. This is what he said: 'you vote by what you see,' as if black people don't know what they want to see."

While I can commend anyone for standing up for their craft, I was somewhat surprised at the manner that Perry wished to do so.  I guess when a man (in a dress) is fed up he is fed up! 
I am not a fan of Perry's films or television shows.  It just does not entertain me.  I can't relate to most of the themes and characters that Perry creates.  However, I do admire that Perry caters to a niche in the population and he plays to that niche with huge success.  I admire how he basically came from 'rags to riches' and is now a huge success. 
In saying that, I do agree with Spike Lee from the context that some of the themes and characters that Perry portrays and creates do border on bufoonery ,to an extent.
But when you look at the landscape of television and movies for that matter, there is definitely something missing--people of color-- and Perry fills that void.  I just wish he would bring the level of taste and creativity up a few notches.  African-Americans deserve intelligent and well-written and produced work.  Until someone steps up and takes this task on, we can not complain with the offerings.
Take home message: If you complain about what's offered, offer something BETTER!!

Which 'TEAM' are you on?

'Team Spike' or 'Team Perry'???

This star-studded cast should be worth a few laughs.  The ATL-Fans are sure to shut the theaters down opening week-end.

 Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family, hits theaters April 22.

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