Thursday, April 14, 2011

Charlie Sheen to return to ' Two & a Half Men'?????

So what do you do when your tour opens to scathing reviews and angry fans?  Go back home!  Charlie Sheen's 'Violent Torpedo of Truth..' tour has had lackluster reviews and attendance and some fans have walked out angry and confused.  So what would you do? Go back to your bread and butter.  In an interview in Boston earlier this week.  Sheen hinted at a possible return to the show that he has been lampooning for the past few weeks on tour.

"There have been discussions, but I was asked not to divulge anything."
So have the CBS execs and Sheen kissed and made up?  I assume we shall see very soon.  If Sheen did make a return to the hit show, it'd be no real big surprise.  At the end of the day it's about the almighty dollar.  The show is a HUGE money-maker for the network and post strong ratings weekly.  All the press from Sheen's tirades and rantings only makes the show that much more popular.  The fans are eagerly waiting to see what's going to happen next.  That could equate to a ratings bonanza for the network.
The show could survive without Sheen, but the look would be totally different and they may suffer because it. 
Let's just forget the past few months of 'war' the execs and Sheen have waged, its all about the money these days.  We've seen in the past that some celebs can get by with bad behavior and it's okay.  This could easily fall in that category.  I guess we will have to wait and see if Sheen is still 'winning'.

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