Friday, June 3, 2011

Number 2: Being the chick or d*ck on the side is the NEW thing!

Second Place.
Number 2, chick on the side, sideline 'ho',boyfriend number 2, mistress,sidechick. It seems that today, it is common place to be the 'other one', or the one on the side. It's funny that this 'position' has become so common place. Pop culture, television seems to glorify the other woman, or the 'boy toy on the side. Kim from 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta', was known for having a public relationship with a married man. This 'relationship' was very prominent as a part of the drama of the series. Reality shows like seem to parade this new 'position' as the common. It seems that we have don't care if we are not number one anymore in relationships. Maybe this is a theme that they carry into other aspects of their live's as well.
Many sports figures, actors and other celebs can have seeming healthy relationships in front of our eyes, but then so many have secret relationships, and trysts with other people. Sometimes these indiscretions come to light in the media and causes a world of damage to all parties involved. Is it that we just can't get enough of a good thing? Are we just greedy and we want our cake and eat it too? And the people that allow this to be so prominent in today's culture seem to be okay with being 'number 2'. As long as they can live a resemblance of 'the good life' and reap the leftover benefits of the one in the top spot, its okay.  When did this become the norm? ANd what does taht say about us if we allow this?
But what happens when the number 2 grows tired of their position, and wants to move up in the ranks? This 'unrest' brings into play a whole slew of other issues and problems and of course DRAMA. We all know the old addage of a woman scorned... Men get scorned too and the results can lead to tragic ends.

I had to channel my inner BRILLION-A-MILLION on this post to compile a group of clips that best personify the whole 'Number 2 movement'.

This fan made Video to Janet's 'So Much Betta' sums it all up:::::::::::::::::::::::>

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