Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Skin Color Bias revealed in new documentary, 'Dark Girls'

The issue of skin color is still very prevalent, particularly in the African-American community. Even in 2011, there is still skin color bias.   Lighter skin is deemed more 'beautiful' or more acceptable than darker skin. 
The upcoming documentary 'Dark Girls' explores the deep-seated biases and attitudes about skin color as seen through the eyes of women of a darker hue. 

'Dark Girls',directed and produced by Bill Duke and D Channsin Berry, will question if life is different for black women and girls whose skin color is on the 'darker' end of the spectrum.

In a description of the film, it states: "Has anything really changed since the days of American slavery when dark-skinned Blacks were made to suffer even greater indignities than their lighter skinned counterparts?”

Some of the testimonies and stories in the documentary will shock and surprise you! Take a look at the trailer.

Dark Girls: Preview from Bradinn French on Vimeo.

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