Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mildred Baena breaks her silence! EXCLUSIVE interview about the Schwarzenegger Affair!

Mildred Baena the mistress to Arnold Schwarzenegger and the mother of his child finally breaks her silence about the elicit affair that spawned Arnold's lovechild!  Baena granted her 'one and only' interview to UK's 'Hello' Magazine.  In the interview she recounts how the shocking news first came to light when Maria Shriver noticed a striking resemblance of Baena's child to her husband.

Shriver was among many people who noticed the resemblance between young Joseph Baena and the then-governor of California, Baena told Hello! magazine about breaking her silence about the affair. "Maria would ask if I needed to talk to her, and I kept saying no. Finally, she asked point-blank, ... and I just broke down. I dropped to my knees, and I was crying, saying that, yes, he was and I was so sorry. She cried with me and told me to get off my knees. We held each other. I told her it wasn't Arnie's fault; it takes two. Since I was retiring soon, I said I would pack and leave right away, but she said to stay until after the holidays." Baena also said she never discussed the boy's parentage with Arnold.

Mildred Baena said that when she first told her now-13-year-old son that his real dad was none other than Schwarzenegger, his response was short and sweet: "Cool!"

Schwarzenegger has since taken responsibility, buying Baena and her son a house in Bakersfield and helping them financially.

After the scandal broke, Baena remained tight-lipped about their affair and went into hiding. But now that the truth is out, a contrite Baena has nothing but sympathy for Schwarzenegger.

"He's a good man and I know he's suffering too. He loves Maria. I hope with time they work things out," she said.
I don't really see any chance of the couple, 'working things out'.  Financially, Shriver stands to take millions from the ex-governor, but reconciliation seems highly unlikely.

According to TMZ, Mildred Baena did not receive any money for the exclusive interview.  Mildred's lawyer said, "Mildred was tired of people selling their lies to the media or claiming to speak for her when they do not ... She gave the interview in order to set the record straight once and for all."

Her lawyer adds, "All she wanted to do was put the lies and rumors to rest.  Really? No compensation at all?  I find that HARD to swallow.  I am sure there was something she got out of the deal, and it was not just to 'set the record straight'.

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